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What is Information Technology (IT) Consulting?

IT (information technology) consulting is a type of outsourcing service in which professionals in the field of information, computer, or Internet technologies advise business people in order to optimize processes and boost the overall efficiency of business activities.

In this modern world, all people are more or less oriented towards computer science. However, the pace of development of the IT industry is so fast that a manager who deals with his current affairs is unable to keep track of the latest inventions, ideas, and concepts. In this case, it is wise to resort to the advice of close specialists.


When Does a Company need IT Consulting?

  • When a company wants to take the business to a higher level, and recommendations for specific activities are required. A common problem in business is that at the beginning of the project, the entrepreneur has no idea what steps and difficulties he will face. In this case, contacting a specialist will help build the intelligent planning process according to the available models.
  • Organization of a complete administrative infrastructure of the company. Including the remote location of branches and the deployment of remote employees. The choice of offers in this market is too wide for a layperson to understand. A competent IT consultant will help you choose the most modern and financially optimal shipping solution.
  • Intellectual support for specific business projects from A to Z. In this case, consultants start with analyzing the real opportunities and future prospects, choose an information platform to ensure the most effective project management, and guide the process through to completion.
  • Ensure the security of business information. Starting with the mundane selection of anti-virus solutions to protect its IT infrastructure from DDoS and hacker attacks.

IT Consulting Levels

A professional company with a wide range of specialists in all areas of computer and information technology. Typically, this type of service is provided on an ongoing basis in the form of a subscription service. First, experts analyze the current status and compare it with the company’s requirements. It then creates a detailed commercial proposal for using software and hardware resources, installing office equipment, and debugging it. The consulting firm then continues to serve the company’s current needs routinely.

Internal IT consulting company. This means a specific organization that is able to invite specialists on various topics on a contractual basis. After the managers of the full-time company have examined the company’s problems, they hire a suitable IT consultant to do the work on a freelance basis, so to speak.

Independent IT experts. Independent review is usually needed in problematic cases when the deal has failed, and management cannot independently find out the reasons. Another case is when the company’s management cannot come to a common opinion on the issues of development and business conduct. In this case, an independent reviewer will review the situation and provide the best course of action to resolve disagreements.

A separate line contains services for ensuring computer and Internet security, protecting business information, and similar problems. Here the tasks go largely into the depths of the software subtleties, and a management consultant is clearly not enough in this case.

It is traditionally assumed that individual experts can provide the best IT security. In an office with a large staff, the likelihood of losing confidential information increases. There is also the opposite opinion: How do you find a security professional you can trust unconditionally with your company’s trade secrets? That is the question.

Providing a computer information solution that increases productivity while reducing costs. In essence, IT consultants are not professional marketers and cannot be entrusted with actual business planning. The IT consultant’s job is to optimize the intelligent management infrastructure.

For this reason, IT consultants should work closely with the company’s top managers and not grapple with non-existent rivalries. IT consultants organize an information environment in which business people can work comfortably.

Requirements for an IT Consultant or Selection of the Right Specialist

The essential requirement for an IT consultant is to have positive recommendations from business people who have increased their income based on the advice of a specialist.

Basic IT Consulting Services

Examination of Information Technology.

The results of the activities of the specialists allow the client to assess the degree of IT conformity with business requirements, the validity, and efficiency of investments, as well as the adequate provision of resources for the structure.

Development of an IT Development Strategy.

It consists in making recommendations for specific areas of the customer’s existing information system. Strategy development is based on current and future business challenges as well as the most important trends in technology development. It is based on the examination assessment framework.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the use of the Company’s Existing Information Systems.

It includes an assessment of the current level of investment in order to ensure its easy manageability based on modern systematic solutions. In addition, experts analyze the degree of appropriateness of the structure to the business requirements.

Improvement of Certain Aspects of the IT Management System.

A clear understanding of the current state and potential requirements of the management system enables the successful implementation of effective solutions in areas such as IT service management, organizational transformation, continuity management for information support, etc.

Development of Strategies for the Consistency of all Business Processes.

Every business owner knows what data loss is and is easy to deal with due to errors in the IT infrastructure. In the meantime, computer failures and natural disasters, the human factor, can lead to such downtime. What do you need to ensure business process continuity? How do you do that? Experienced professionals will find answers to these questions. They will help you implement a truly affordable and efficient process continuity management program.

What Does our IT Consultancy Provides to a Customer?

Technical and Strategic IT consulting enables:

  • elaboration of a uniform strategy and tactics for the development of information systems, reduction of costs for the later integration of individual applications and modernization;
  • optimization of numerous costs for the development of IT infrastructure, its constant support;
  • increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the main business processes of the organization;
  • creation of ideal conditions for a flexible reaction of IT systems to the requirements of the modern market and the existing business and achievement of serious competitive advantages;
  • increasing the efficiency of all IT services.

Why is IT Gaining Momentum Every day?

Zanybh IT consulting assists in solving specific problems. In this case, in the field of information technology. This spans a wide range of areas from web development and marketing to design, team management and online investing.

  • The simplest example of IT consulting is the tips of a “computer technician” in the event of a failure of your laptop or a problem with the software.
  • I am sure that there is not a single computer help service in any more or less large city.
  • If 10 to 15 years ago ordinary people and entrepreneurs turned to IT specialists to “deliver firewood,” “tear down Windows,” or “register e-mails,” now is everything changed.
  • With the universal development of information technology, people have emerged who can literally bring you thousands and even millions of rubles and have knowledge and skills in this relatively new but already highly regarded area.
  • The major thing is that you need to understand for yourself what you need and clearly formulate tasks for future contractors.
  • IT consulting has developed into a “purchase of the brain” and serious business for both the customers of such services and their top performers.

Look, the most expensive and successful companies today are in IT or related fields in one way or another: Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and others.

I recently looked at expert opinions in the field of promising careers for the next 10 years, and everyone speaks with one voice about programmers, web designers, front-end and back-end developers, internet marketers, and online project managers.

At least 5 out of 10 promising professions of the future are related to information technology.

The demand for this area is also shown indirectly in a large number of different courses and training courses that are actively advertised on the Internet.

Surely you have heard of such ways of making money as: selling Chinese goods on the Internet, creating websites to order, making money with cryptocurrencies, and investing online.