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Backlinking Services At Zanybh Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

SEO Link Building – Increase your SEO performance with high-quality personalized Digital PR service. If you are a web agency, freelance, or SEO consultant of a company, we at Zanybh offer the definitive solution for your Link Building needs.

How does Zanybh’s Link Building service work?

The Link Building facility or link acquisition is one of the vital elements of any successful SEO campaign, given the importance of backlinks in the algorithms that determine the positioning on search engines. We usually offer 2 solutions to our customers:

Solution 1: Self-management

You tell us the type of backlink you need with all the parameters, and we check availability and costs for publication. With this first solution, you manage the Link Building Campaign while limiting ourselves to providing the backlinks you need.

Solution 2: Complete Management

After having elaborated and analyzed the link profile, based on the budget dedicated to the campaign, we established which backlinks are suitable for improving the positioning by deciding the timing and type. With this second solution, we take care of everything.

Both solutions are intended for sites operating in all sectors (especially the most competitive ones such as gambling, hardware, etc. and provide for the following operational phases:

1) Project Analysis

Let us know your want for results, your budget, and what type of backlink you would like to buy for your project.

2) Outreach

Based on the quality/price ratio, we identify the best portals in your niche (blogs, online newspapers, etc.), based on the quality/price ratio, and publish the articles with backlinks pointing to your website.

3) Reports and Results

Every month we send you an instant report of all the publications that have taken place, indicating the domains with their respective authority parameters (DA, DR, TF, etc.) and traffic.

Whom we provide the Link Building service?

The link building and digital PR service are aimed at:

Web Agency

All web agencies need to buy backlinks to promote their customers’ sites and delegate link-building activities to experts.

SEO Freelance

The freelancer wants to buy high-quality backlinks or make a monthly plan with a fixed budget and guaranteed publications on vertical sites.

Site Owners

The site owners from any sector want to increase the SEO performance of their company site by advertising it on authoritative portals and prominent newspapers.

We, at Zanybh, Publish Guest Posts On Valuable Sites

When we talk about SEO services, it is possible to distinguish between two types of activities: SEO on-page and SEO Off-page.

If the first deals with all the SEO optimizations on our site, the second, as the word says, deals with the activities carried out on third-party sites. In this case, we are speaking about link building and backlinks.

Anyone who has a website should know how important it is to acquire backlinks thanks to link building: a very effective technique to improve SEO positioning.

A good SEO consultant cannot fail to consider these practices because today, the importance of inbound links is fundamental.

It is necessary to conduct preliminary research of potential sites on which it is possible to carry out themed guest post activities, to create an excellent link-building strategy,

The guest posts are articles hosted on sites owned by third parties who provide their site for other authors, allowing the insertion of links to the author’s website or company that you want to promote.

The selected sites must all be in line with the topics we talk about on our site. The more authoritative a site is in a specific theme, the more significant the positive effect on SEO positioning.

Acquire Natural Backlinks For Free

There are many ways to get links naturally and for free. Let’s see below how.

The first way is to use free web directories. The portals aggregate information on activities and services or new published sites. They create lists that can be consulted as telephone directories.

There are also free press release sites that may offer the ability to publish free articles with links.

These two activities mentioned above are very mild and can hardly give an appreciable benefit today.

The most excellent way to get a free backlink is simply by establishing relationships with the owners of the sites with which you can set a connection of mutual exchange of Guest Posts. In this case, they won’t cost us anything except the time we dedicate to them.

We at Zanybh Assess The Quality Of A Backlink

Let’s see how to select the quality sites with a high ZA (zoom authority) the well-known SEO analysis tool index.

ZA is an index that describes the quality of a site. Generally, the value of the sites that lend themselves to these guest post activities should be from a minimum of 15 up to the maximum possible. Costs vary mainly according to this parameter.

Basically, the higher the ZA value, the more guest posts cost.

The traffic, the reference sector, and other parameters also affect the value.

Low-Cost Automated Link Building

Finally, there are link-building techniques that involve the creation of numerous sites and portals that are part of PBNs created for link building.

The PBN (backlinks private networks) are networks of sites created for the sole purpose of creating links to support the visibility of other sites.

Usually, they are low-quality sites where the contents are not treated in a particular way, but even these activities, although generally not recommended, can be helpful in some specific cases.

In particular, it could be helpful when we operate in a sector where the competition routinely uses these techniques to “pump” backlinks sites. We are faced with situations in which the number of competitors’ backlinks is very high.

The costs of these activities are meager, and it is possible to get links even for a few dollars.

Few Links Of Good Or Many Of Low Quality? What To Choose?

If you have no idea what link-building strategy to adopt, ask for our advice to identify the right path.

An analysis of your competitors’ backlinks will allow you to understand how to act according to the competitiveness of your specific sector.

Each market has its particularities and must be approached with the proper awareness to avoid ending up in a situation that could cause penalties from malicious links and other problems.

Why Is It Preferable To Contact A Link Building Expert?

Link building is an essential activity in an SEO strategy and must be planned following the guidelines and changes that involve search engine algorithms.

Google, for example, with its updates, tends to counteract those seeking to obtain unnatural links, penalizing sites that resort to overly aggressive or unorthodox link-building activities.

Increasing link popularity without resorting to risky practices is possible.

So at Zanybh, our professional link-building service is designed to gradually acquire external links from suitable sources and at the appropriate pace.


After studying and understanding the target audience, Zanybh identifies the portals related to your site in terms of content and target and publishes strategic backlinks that will lead to your site valuable authoritativeness for SEO purposes, traffic, etc. visits by users profiles.

In addition, we work by mixing content marketing and link baiting, producing exciting content for users, and making them highly viral and easily shareable.

The users are likely to share resources that they find helpful and will themselves become promoters of your brand, with links or spontaneous mentions.

Finally, based on the budget you make available, we launch Digital PR campaigns that will help your brand become recognizable and credible in a completely natural way.