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telecom services

The ZANYBH Consulting Services PVT LTD serves our clients by providing industry consulting expertise to solve their most significant business challenges.

ZANYBH Consulting Services understands the importance of industry knowledge. This is how we know your challenges and offer sustainable solutions.

Industry Consulting Overview

Our industry teams have been dealing with the industry’s nuances for decades and know the challenges in your value chain. They have a wealth of experience that you can share to help transform your business to drive profit growth and create an exceptional customer experience.

We offer consulting services in a variety of ways: performance-based projects, teamwork agreements, or role-based engagements.

Regardless of our consulting approach, we deploy team members with the right skills (technical or functional) and relevant industry experience to ensure the successful implementation of all initiatives.


The telecommunications industry comprises cable companies, Internet service providers, satellite companies, and telephone companies.

In modern times, the telecom system uses a centralized network to transmit information between different locations. The transition from physical cables to wireless connections took time, but it finally happened.

Digitization In The Telecommunications Industry: A Game Changer

The telecommunications industry is struggling to keep up with the dynamic market environment and increasing technological advances. On the way to digitization, telecommunications companies have started to take small steps by producing brochures on integrating technologies and infrastructure developments. The wave of digitization has forced telecommunications companies to look for applications and services to open up new sources of income. Several telecommunications companies have focused their efforts on the development of 5G by setting up regular tests. Digitization enables service providers in the telecommunications industry to offer faster data, better performance, and various other high-end features.

Telecommunication Industry Embraces Digitalization

With the massive acceptance of networked devices and applications by various stakeholders such as consumers, companies, and governments, digitization has fundamentally changed telecommunications companies’ operational and strategic decisions. The transformation to a digital economy is helping telecommunications service providers to monetize their investments, increase their capabilities, improve their product offerings, improve the customer experience and develop new competitive business models. Worldwide, service provider revenues stagnate despite the sudden rise in operating costs as market participants make it difficult.


In the telecommunications industry, service providers who have embraced the digital economy do better than those who haven’t. However, before diving headlong into the wave of digitization, telecommunications companies need to take a focused approach and use market intelligence solutions to gain industry insights and develop digitally compatible product portfolios. It may sound not very easy, but telecommunications service providers cannot simply assert themselves and let the market grow by itself. Telecommunications companies need to transform their business processes to maintain their profit margins, market share and increase their wallet share in a digital economy.

Telecommunications Industry: What’s Stopping You?

Telecommunications service providers have recognized the benefits of adapting to the digital economy: higher sales, lower costs, and higher customer satisfaction. But still, what makes the introduction of the digital economy more complex, you ask? That’s what. For decades, telecommunications companies have been thriving with legacy business systems and traditional product offerings, making it difficult for companies to take advantage of digitization in its entirety.

The Industry Today

Broadband connections through various modems facilitate most forms of communication in today’s world. Companies interested in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services are the most recent additions to the telecommunications industry. A good example is Skype, which allows users to make calls over the Internet without a phone connection.

The entire telecommunications sector has developed from a few prominent market participants to a much more decentralized market. In addition, the industry has so many characteristics such as service, hardware, and software that they have opened many business opportunities.

The telecommunications industry reacts exceptionally sensitively to the slightest changes in technological and economic factors. With wireless and broadband gaining momentum recently, all industry players pursue different strategies to overcome challenges and connect the world.

Advances and improvements reduce the need for a workforce in the industry, such as electrical engineers. Still, they have increased the demand for professionals with expertise in new and emerging technologies. The market remains highly volatile and competitive, with companies competing to acquire subscribers and customers.


While Internet-related services make up a large part of this sector, telephone lines are the largest source of income for the industry. However, high-speed and broadband internet services are slowly reaching all corners of the world and will take over the phone lines in terms of revenue.

Connecting mobile phones to the Internet through mobile networks is the fastest growing sector in the industry. Apartment connections are price-sensitive due to intense competition in the market.

However, large companies are less price-sensitive and value quality, speed, and reliability primarily. Many established companies are willing to spend more on telecommunications infrastructure to ensure a seamless and secure experience.

Another source of income for telecom operators is providing their network to other providers in need and selling lines to Internet service providers (ISPs).

The Way To Follow

There is a known difference in the quality of telecommunication services between different countries in the world. The shortcomings of the industry are still widespread across the globe. But there is also room for improvement in industrialized countries. Technological advancements will help address all of these challenges promptly.

Telecommunications play a significant role today. There is enormous innovation and competition within the industry. Product innovations, as well as mergers and acquisitions, will only help fuel industry growth and success.

The demand for industry services is growing by the day, which opens up many opportunities for investors. The industry is highly stable even in times of recession, which helps it attract investors.

Market size

Internet subscribers increased from 778.09 million in March 2021 to 782.86 million in September 2021.

India has the second-largest telecommunication market in the world. The total number of subscribers in the country was 1,203.47 million as of September 2021.

The gross revenue of the Telecommunications Sector was Rs. 68,228 million (the US $ 9.35 billion) for the third quarter of Fiscal Year 21.

Over the next five years, increasing cell phone penetration and falling data costs will create 500 million new internet users in India, creating new business opportunities.


Our highly effective, multidisciplinary team of professionals is crucial in our industry. It allows Telecom to progress as a successful, benchmark business project, one of the market’s main infrastructures and telecommunications operators.

It allows Telecom to progress from a successful benchmark business project to one of the market’s leading infrastructure and telecommunications operators.

Also, it promotes personal and professional development, teamwork, customer orientation, and innovation without losing sight of our commitment to sustainability. At the same time, we provide our clients with technological excellence and social and human progress by offering services and tools that can bridge the digital gap.


ZANYBH Consulting Services PVT LTD values are consistently aligned with the Vision and Mission to the extent. We are instrumental for achieving these and fundamentally reflect an ethical attitude based on principles of  respect and cooperation with all the business partners with which the company wishes to develop and consolidate its project:

Commitment: We take complete charge of the proactive consolidation of our projects.

Marketing focus: We uncover, understand, and fulfill the needs of our clients.

Innovation: We bring value to new ideas, approaching them with a creative, professional, and critical attitude to put them into practice.

Flexibility: We adapt to our field, which is in constant evolution.

Resolution: We reach our objectives through a combination of enthusiasm, logic, and pragmatism.

Honesty: We demonstrate integrity in our actions.

Credibility: We do what we say.

Development: We encourage the continued growth of individuals through cohesion, collaboration, and teamwork.


ZANYBH Consulting Services PVT LTD  brings value for society, customers, and business partners through innovative, efficient, neutral, and quality management for the provision of shared telecom networks and infrastructure through the drive and development of our diligent staff team.

Telecommunication has been an inevitable movement since the beginning of the 21st century. Not only businesses but also every individual should take advantage of these technology developments.

Telecom operators are striving for growth, which could materialize in growing top line and improving efficiency. Automation is at the center of these efforts if they are to succeed. With the correct data and marketing strategies, one goes far beyond network operation to help shore up telco performance in multiple dimensions, including error prevention, data-based decision-making, improved customer service and customer experience, and uncovering new business opportunities.