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Privacy Policy- ZANYBH Consulting Services

This page describes how ZANYBH Consulting Services PVT LTD or its affiliates are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information we collect from you when you use this website. The scope of Zanybh’s commitment is described in this Privacy Policy. By submitting data, you consent to Zanybh Consulting using this information as described here. For more details about our online policies in general, please see our Terms of Use.


What personal data collect?

Zanybh Consulting collects personal information in certain areas of the site when users register, request information or a response, register for events, apply for jobs and participate in user posting areas such as bulletin boards, discussion forums, blogs, and surveys. The personal data collected may include company or school affiliations and contact information (names, postal and email addresses, telephone/fax numbers).


How can my data be used?

Zanybh Consulting uses your data, which is collected when you fill out forms, cookies, and IP addresses, to:


  • Fulfill your requests for information
  • Processing your requests to participate in events
  • Personalize your experience
  • Review, consider and contact you with any employment inquiries.
  • Analysis of user behavior on the website to measure interest in particular articles published on our website


Are cookies and IP addresses used?

The site uses cookies to identify you and your interests and to track site usage. Cookies help us know which browser you are using and where you are on the site, and on the websites that you can link to use some of our features. Cookies also tell us whether you have registered with us and allow us to relate your current use to your previous use of this or other Zanybh sites. Zanybh also records IP addresses or the location of computers on the Internet to diagnose problems with our server and administer the site.


Is personal data transmitted to third parties?

Zanybh Consulting will not knowingly disclose your personal information to third parties (i.e., individuals or companies not affiliated with Zanybh) (and will take commercially reasonable steps to prevent accidental disclosure), except as outlined in this policy.


  • Zanybh may disclose your personal information to third parties if required or permitted by the laws, rules, and regulations of any applicable nation, state, or other jurisdiction;
  • Zanybh Consulting may disclose your data if you agree to such disclosure in connection with submitting the information.
  • Zanybh may disclose your contact information in response to inquiries from rightsholders regarding allegations of copyright or other proprietary rights infringement arising from information you have posted on the website or that you have made available to.
  • If Zanybh merges with a third party, the information that Zanybh on their websites may collect may be shared with the merged company is transferred to a legal person or a third party. Each of these merged companies or third parties may have different privacy policies.


Links to third-party websites

As a service to our users, we may provide links to third-party websites. Also, some of the content that appears to be on this site is provided by third parties, for example, in the case of framing third-party websites or the integration of the content supplied by third-party servers using framesets. We are not responsible for such third-party websites’ information collection and privacy practices, which may differ from this website’s.


Your rights

Depending on where you live, you may have certain rights about the personal information Zanybh holds about you. For example, you have the right to request access to your data, receive a copy of it, or ask about how we use your data. You have the right to ask us to correct incorrect, inaccurate, or out-of-date information about you. You may also have the right to ask us to stop processing your data and withdraw your consent to such processing, and request that we delete your data.

To do this, please complete the Right to Cancel form and contact us at ————for more information and to submit your request.



Our sites are not intended for kids under the age of 18. Therefore, Zanybh does not knowingly collect any information about individuals under the age of 18 and requests that such information not be disclosed to us.



Zanybh has implemented generally recognized technology and operational security standards to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized Zanybh personnel have access to personal data. Despite these precautionary measures, Zanybh cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not have access to your data.


Service provider

We may use third-party companies and individuals to enable our service (“service providers”), provide the service on our behalf, provide service-related services, or help us analyze our service’s use. So such third parties only have access to your data to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obliged not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.




Our service may contain links to other websites that we do not operate. But if you click on a third-party link, you will be redirected to that third party’s website. Also, we recommend that you read the privacy policy of each website you visit.



This site uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our data traffic. We also share information about your use of our website with our social media. These advertising and analytics partners may combine it with other information you have provided to them or collected through the use of their services.


Cookies are tiny text files that websites can use to make the user practice more competent.


The regulation states that we can store cookies on your device if necessary for this website’s operation. We require your approval for all other types of cookies.


This site uses diverse types of cookies. Moreover, a few cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages.


You can change the cookie statement on our website at any time or withdraw your consent.


You can get more information about who we are, how you can contact us, and how we process personal data in our data protection declaration.


Your consent applies to the following domains:



By using the website, you consent to our collecting, using, and storing your data in the manner described in this privacy policy and elsewhere on the website. We reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time. Besides, we will notify you of such changes by updating this Privacy Policy.



If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy or how Zanybh handles your data, please write us at